

The fundamental point of automation is to increase efficiency and create value for business by abstracting away certain tasks, leaving us humans to focus on achieving more creative, strategic goals. These tasks can be anything from simple repetitive tasks such as inputting a contact-us email into a CRM, to complex business process automation.

Connected network

Third-party & API Integration

It’s rare that a business utilises only one system or piece of software. In fact, we’d suggest that nowadays that’s likely a really, really bad idea.

The ability for various systems used by your organisation to automatically interact with each other is important for efficiency and standardising data transfer between systems. Furthermore, there’s no human error if a computer does it.

Operational system

Functional and Operational Systems

Your team, customers, etc. should be able to self-serve with technical access to your system. By creating an operational system, your core stakeholders can interact with their own areas of the business, meaning that duplication or intersections of work are a thing of the past and that every engagement is fruitful.

Operational system

Serverless and Event Driven Systems

Events are things that have happened, such as an email received of a button clicked. There are an infinite number of events that can occur in interacting with your organisation and by automating the reaction to each of these events, we can vastly improve efficiency and the scale at which you can currently operate.

Traditionally, we needed constantly on (and constantly paid-for) servers waiting to handle these events. Nowadays we can build these features serverless, meaning that you only pay per request (often a few pence per million requests), which can save an absolute fortune in hosting fees and maintenance costs.

Manual Workflow Automation

Every single business has routine, manual tasks that they need to complete, whether that’s daily, weekly or whatever.

By removing these tasks, you increase productivity whilst decreasing the overheads, leaving you to use your human resources more efficiently.

Achieve your goals through technology.

Get in touch to discuss your challenges and goals, we are here to make your business succeed.

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