Entry Level Python: Building your first application

Thursday 12th September, 6pm (BST) –  In this introductory session, you’ll be getting into the incredibly popular, general purpose programming language Python by creating a simple real world application.

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Thursday 12th September, 6pm (BST)

Level: Beginner

In this three hour session, you’ll be introduced to the incredibly popular, general purpose programming language Python by creating a simple application.

The aims are:

  • Setting up your environment
  • Overview of IDEs (basically an advanced text editor for code)
  • Basic syntax, data types and structure
  • Functions and classes
  • Databases
  • Questions and answer session at the end

This will be run virtually over Google Meet.

Whether you are learning for fun, fancy a career change (Python jobs can pay in excess of £500/day) or for any other reason, this  gentle intro will give you a solid foundation to build upon.